Just starting back at the gym? Looking for a structured, effective program to get you started? No more wondering aimlessly around the gym! Hit the gym with a 4 WEEK strategic plan to create that lean, toned look & feel amazing + strong!
Each workout is structured in a SIMPLE, EASY TO FOLLOW yet EFFECTIVE format which allows you to simply tick off each movement & move onto the next.
Grab a weight that CHALLENGES you for each movement while
maintaining proper form & control of movement
(in a 10-12 rep range, rep 11 & 12 should be almost "failure").
If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an email at info@rebeccaforcier.com
DOWNLOAD your FREE 4 WEEK GUIDE & let's get started!
Tag me on IG @rebeccaforcierfitness so I can cheer you on!
You got this, girl!